Apr 15, 2019 | Membership Monday
Today we introduce to you Ashraf Adly.
Q1: How did you become part of the Rotarian family?
A: My journey started in 2013 through Rotaract Club of Dokki-Garden City, in which I had the honor to be its president. after that I served as co-founder president of Rotaract Al Shorouk starting from 2015. in 2017 I was one of the founding members of Rotary e-club of Global Peace and Leadership.
Q2: Tell us about your first experience with Rotaract Global Model United Nations!
A: CWMUN in New York, 2016 as a delegate in UNHCR committee, an amazing experience that put me on the pathway to explore how we can deliver youth voice to international diplomatic platforms. as well, this was the first step towards meeting the the team that afterwards became the founders of our e-club.
Q3: What is your reason for volunteering?
A: Volunteering offers vital help to people in need, worthwhile causes, and the community, but the benefits can be even greater for oneself, the volunteer. Volunteering and helping others can keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose.
Q4: What impact does Rotary or Rotaract have on you?
A: Changed my personality to be more positive on the social level , and gave me a wider exposure to the international community.
Q5: Tell us a quote that inspires you!
A: “Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon.”
Membership Monday
Every week we will highlight one of our members, tell you their stories of how they got started with Rotary, what motivate them and more, so you can get to know them in person.
Tune in every Monday for a new post.
Apr 8, 2019 | Membership Monday
Today we introduce to you Yana Isaeva, born January 25th, 1992, in Bulgaria. She is a Politologist.
Q1: How did you become part of the Rotarian family?
A: I became part of the Rotarian family 10 years ago as a member of the local Interact club. Back then I was a president of the town’s student council. A friend of mine, who knew me very well and also knew that I am interested in contributing to the community, told me about Rotary and suggested me to visit a meeting as a guest. Of course, once I attended (it was a love from a first sight), I never left. My friend, who became my sponsor, later on told me, he saw the leader in me and he was sure I will develop that skill in the Rotarian family. Quickly after Interact I became a Rotaract member and through the years I was on all board positions including President in 2015/2016. Looking back now, I can say that I met his expectations.
Q2: Tell us about your first experience with Rotaract Global Model United Nations!
A: It was a hot summer in Bulgaria back in 2016, when Rotaract Global Model United Nations was held in Sofia. My Rotaract club of Sofia-Serdika was the host club and one of our members and good friend of mine was the Director of the edition. To be honest, I became part of the organizing team at the last minute, but the 6 days that followed turned my perspective of life to 180 degrees! Very intense schedule, no sleep for 144 hours and friendships that last forever pretty much sums it up. A life event to remember!
Q3: What is your reason for volunteering?
A: Volunteering provides us with a unique, non-routine way to apply our skills for the benefit of others or society at large. Through volunteering I became a meaningful part of the world. There is no other energy in the world as the one we gain by sharing our love and caring for others.
Q4: What impact does Rotary or Rotaract have on you?
A: Honestly, now when I think of it, I can’t imagine my life without Rotary. My world would be empty. All the friendships from all around the world; all places I have visited with Rotary; all the people I have helped in the years; all the personal development I have reached through Rotary… if all that is gone, then I will be gone too.
Q5: Tell us a quote that inspires you!
A: “When we are serving others, we are building ourselves.” – Harry H. Rogers, Rotary Club of San Antonio, Texas, 1927
Membership Monday
Every week we will highlight one of our members, tell you their stories of how they got started with Rotary, what motivate them and more, so you can get to know them in person.
Tune in every Monday for a new post.
Apr 1, 2019 | Membership Monday
Today we introduce to you Maxton Ralph Scotland, President of Rotary e-Club of Global Peace and Leadership 2018-2019
Q1: How did you become part of the Rotarian family?
A: I joined the Rotary family after attending RotaractMUN in London 2014.
Q2: Tell us about your first experience with Rotaract Global Model United Nations!
A: I first heard of RGMUN while heading to a pub in London. At first, I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy attending as I was wary of all these organisations that try to indoctrinate people. I decided to attend, and I was impressed with the level of professionalism displayed by everyone, their patience and understanding to everyone from different background. I was more so amazed how different persons from different countries could come together and find solutions to global problems. RGMUN reminded me the importance of family and compromise.
Q3: What is your reason for volunteering?
A: I believe in giving back to the community and society. Volunteering enables you to strengthen your existing communication and transferrable skill and most importantly, make an impact.
Q4: What impact does Rotary or Rotaract have on you?
A: Rotary and Rotaract have a significant positive impact on my life. Its guiding principles inspires me to be selfless and always focus being better,
Q5: Tell us a quote that inspires you!
A: “It is unwise to be too sure of one’s own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.”
Membership Monday
Every week we will highlight one of our members, tell you their stories of how they got started with Rotary, what motivate them and more, so you can get to know them in person.
Tune in every Monday for a new post.